
Monday, October 24, 2016

Potamotrygon Henlei [Potamotrygonidae]


General Specifications

Latin Name: Potamotrygon henlei.
Geographic Origin: Rio Tocantins / Brazil
Living Area: They live in plenty flowing mud or sand-covered floor. 
Nutrition Format: Carnivorous. It is fed by small fish and invertebrates in nature. Can not accept dry feed in the aquarium. Krill, squid, live baits should not be missing from the diet, such as shrimp. Beef liver is objectionable granting of foods such as chicken.
Behavior: Peaceful.
Behavior to Their Type: Peaceful.
Swimming Level: Base.
Gender Discrimination: Men have more bright spots, even though the distinction for looking at the pelvic fins. Male sexual organ that is located in the tail and extending internal insemination as in sharks.


3-12 month gestation period in the natural environment is usually completed in 9-12 weeks in the aquarium environmentA few months offspring should be fed with the parents. Otherwise, they can compete fed by parents. Newborn cubs are born with brown spots.

Living Medium

Temperature: 23 ° C - 28 ° C
Maximum Sizes: 24 "/ can grow up to 60 cm (disc diameter).
Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 500 liters for a single fish
Water Hardness: Soft-Medium
pH: 5.8 to 7.2

General Comments:  This is one of the most visually beautiful of freshwater stingrays. Although the export of farm produce for arrest due to excessive periods in accordance with trade regulations IBAMA in Brazil it is illegal. Floor area of the aquarium to feed this type is very important. There is a tendency to flush sand itself under stress. So it must be selected fine-grained sand. Each floor in the living organisms in the water such as nitrite, nitrate and ammonia is sensitive to rates.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Caridina Cf. Cantonensis [SHRIMP] [King Kong]


General Specifications

Latin Name: Caridina cf. cantonensis "King Kong"
Geographic Origin: It is a species has been breeding the aquarium environment. The wild ancestors live in China.
Nutrition Format: Herbivores, well cleaned with specially manufactured feeds for shrimp and steamed vegetables can be given.
Behavior: Peaceful.
Behavior to Their Type: Peaceful.
Swimming Level: Floor and Decor.
Gender Discrimination: Females are larger than males and carry the eggs in the abdomen.


After 4 weekly transport, fry shrimp gradually become an independent individual separated from the female's abdomen. An average female lays 25 eggs. Females average 6 weeks after can start carry new eggs.

Living Medium

Temperature: 18 ° C - 25 ° C
Maximum Sizes: Men's 2 cm., 3 cm in females.
Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 30 liters.
Water Hardness: 8 ° dH
pH: 6.0 - 7.0

General Comments:  General Comments: This is a mutation of the Bee shrimp. Black brightness and increased density value increases. They are one of the most valuable breeding shrimps.



General Specifications

Latin Name: Nothobranchius Rachovii.
Geographic Origin: Southern Mozambique.
Nutrition Format: Both carnivores and herbivores.
Behavior: Peaceful.
Behavior to Their Type: Even tough they are peaceful, they protect their area.
Swimming Level: Middle and Surface.
Gender Discrimination: Females are more swollen than men and have more dull colors.


There is no significant information about reproduction behavior of this type.

Living Medium

Temperature: 20 ° C - 24 ° C
Maximum Sizes: Men's 5 cm., 6 cm in females.
Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 60 liters.
Water Hardness: 4-6 ° dH
pH: 6.0 - 7.0

General Comments:  They live about 1 year. You can store eggs in wet peat about 6-8 weeks.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Astronotus Ocellatus [Oscar Fish] [ASTRONOTINAE]


General Specifications

Latin Name: Astronotus Ocellatus.
Geographic Origin: Colombia, Venezuela, France Guyana, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina, has been very common in nature. It is collected from many river systems, Amazonas, Negro, solimãμes, Ucayali, Approuagu and Oyapock. Most often found in wooded areas of slow moving or still water in the shallows.
Nutrition Format: Carnivorous.
Behavior: Moderate aggressive.
Behavior to Their Type: Moderate aggressive.
Swimming Level: Bottom-middle-Surface.
Gender Discrimination: Gender discrimination is very difficult. However, referring to the distinction made in the reproductive period tube tubes releasing fish. The female reproductive wide and oval-tipped tube, boy 'is in the narrow and pointed. Men grow faster than females.


The surface like a flat rock, they spawn. Generating possible in large aquariums. Because male and female co-discrimination had taken a group of 8-10 have kept fish production can be separated.

Living Medium

Temperature: 22 ° C - 25 ° C
Maximum Sizes: 35 cm.
Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 300 liters (for one fish).
Water Hardness: 5-19 ° dH
pH: 6.0 - 8.0

General Comments:  Astronauts which have access to large size, are sleek, predatory fish. Especially young, they are very active. Another feature of the astronaut that they are very intelligent, accustomed to jump over the water can get your bait by hand. It is the biggest mistake that can be made for them to feed in small aquarium. They are dangerous against to the size of fish that they can swallow. There are several color variations. They grow at a rate of 2.5-3cm each month until reach the size 25 cm.

Friday, October 21, 2016



General Specifications

Latin Name: Betta Splendens.
Geographic Origin: Thailand.
Nutrition Format: Carnivorous.
Behavior: Moderate aggressive.
Behavior to Their Type: Over aggressive.
Swimming Level: Surface
Gender Discrimination: Males are more colorful and have longer fins.


Men make their nest on top of the water from the foam. While female spawn father would guard the eggs and carry them into this foam.

Living Medium

Temperature: 24 ° C - 30 ° C  
Maximum Sizes: 7 cm.
Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 30 liters.
Water Hardness: 5-19 ° dH
pH: 6.0 - 8.0

General Comments: Often sold in glass bell jar. This fish could not find the right place in terms of ethics of survival because of the way the commercial concerns. And also because of their behavior two men can not live in the same environment. They do not behave selective for nutrition.



General Specifications

Latin Name: Amphiprion melanopus
Geographic Origin: United States
Nutrition Format: Both carnivores and herbivores
Behavior: Semi-Aggressive
Behavior to Their Type: Semi-Aggressive

Living Medium

Light: Normal
Salinity: 1,020 to 1,025
Temperature: 22 ° C - 26 ° C
Maximum Sizes: 12 cm.
Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 100 liters
Reef Compatibility: Compatible
pH: 8.1 - 8.4

General Comments: This type of clown is easy to produce at home. Puppies should be put on a pair of the same aquarium. By the time pass one will be male and an other female. Then they shed their eggs on a flat surface. Depending on the temperature drop eggs in 6-11 days. Then fry should be fed with rotifer culture, whether in a separate aquarium.

Amphiprion Ocellaris [OCELLARIS CLOWNFISH]


General Specifications

Latin Name: Amphiprion Ocellaris
Geographic Origin: The Western Pacific. It is also called anemone fish.
Living Area: It makes some kind of hosting the anemones. Pacific Carpet Anemone would be preferred.
Nutrition Format: Accept dry feed. Live bait should not be neglected.
Behavior: Peaceful
Behavior to Their Type: Moderately aggressive
Gender Discrimination: They can change gender according to condition, one of the dominant male develope and return to female. 


They live as a colony with one active male, female and pasive males. Anemones play an important role in reproduction, but anemones is not necessarily they can also spawn elsewhere deem safe.

Living Medium

Light: Normal

Salinity: 1,023
Temperature: 25 ° C - 28 ° C
Maximum Sizes: 10 cm.
Reef Compatibility: Compatible
pH: 8.2 - 8.5

General Comments: These are very likeable and lively fish. They fold their reputation with the cartoon character Nemo fame. It is also suitable for a fish will start the new marine aquarium because it is durable. It adapts quickly to the aquarium.