
Monday, November 14, 2016

Stress in aquarium.


What is Stress?

Most fish are animals that can adapt to most of conditions, but this does not mean that they can live as healthy as their habitats in any environment. If you feed it on inappropriate conditions, but the body functions of the fish slow down or speed up to ensure that this life is sustainable. This function change is called stress. Stress reduces the resistance of the fish to diseases and prevents the fish from treating itself in situations such as injuries. On top of all this, stress can lead to respiratory problems in fish. Stress at a given level may be treatable and not fatal, but stress in high parameters can be absolutely fatal.

What are the causes of stress?

  1. It is a source of stress that the value per liter of water per fish in the tank is less than the fish needs.
  2. The water pH and kH state is not a type of stress source.
  3. Some species live in salt water in small quantities, while others can not. The mistake in salt balance is a source of stress.
  4. Feeding peaceful and aggressive species together is a source of stress.
  5. Untreated water use is a source of stress.
  6. Sudden changes in water conditions are a source of stress.
  7. The species that show herd life are stress sources only.
  8. The amount of oxygen dissolved in water is a source of stress.
  9. It is a source of stress that the content of feed and nutrients used is not suitable.
  10. High drug use is a source of stress.
  11. The increase in ammonia, nitrite and nitrate in the water is a source of stress.
  12. It is a source of stress that the gore is high to low on the type you are fed by your water temperature.

What are the stress statements?

Briefly, we can say fish behavior disorders. I felt the need to expand this brief summary so that I could make a diagnosis in individuals who did not know the normal behavior of the fish.

  1. If the fish is standing on the surface of the water trying to breathe
  2. If fish are constantly hiding
  3. If open wounds are not healing, if fins are melting
  4. If there is external parasitic disease in the fish, it is highly probable that your fish has stress.

How is stress relieved?

It is more difficult to relief stress than obstruction. In short, it is necessary to prevent the stress conditions that I gave above 12 items. After the strase is inserted, it is again determined which of the above 12 items is the stress source and then it is treated by eliminating this source.